August 9, 2021 - August 29, 2021

Hello readers. We've flown through another month. We were given a literal Friday The 13th of August and a few great theatrical experiences before Delta decided to shut the world down again. Prior to the next collapse of society, we traveled out to Denver to see some old friends. As the world teetered between mask or no mask rules, we mainly stayed in and caught up. We shared some Jason films, hung out with our pup nieces, visited a horror themed bar, and took comfort in one another's company. We hadn't seen each other since before Covid. The visit was short, but everything I didn't know I needed. While I have openly admitted to a crumbling mental health, it was the ability to speak directly with someone who's known me for twenty years that finally allowed room inside the gloom for a bit of hope. Since the visit, we've set up Check In Fridays where we can vent to one another about anything, no matter how big or how small. It's great to feel like a human being again, even if it's only a little at a time. But that's not what I came here to tell you about...

High: Highlights include Home For The Holidays, Friday The 13th, Friday The 13th 2, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Free Guy, Big Lebowski, and Teen Wolf. But my favorite has to be the last one seen, the new Candyman. By far, best viewing of this stack. Now, I love my Friday The 13th movies and TCMs and all the classics, but seeing the new Candyman in the theater and how perfectly it was crafted moves it to the best viewing.


Low: Lowlights include Student Bodies because I always want more from it and Nightmares is horrible. But the lowest of lows this week goes to: Annette